Good morning and a huge thank you for all your wonderful entries to our 'Close to Nature' theme.
When setting challenge themes it's always had to know how they will be accepted by our entrants and I will admit I was a tad worried about this one..............I need not have been as you really embraced the theme with some wonderful entries.
When setting challenge themes it's always had to know how they will be accepted by our entrants and I will admit I was a tad worried about this one..............I need not have been as you really embraced the theme with some wonderful entries.
And with so many super entries it was an extremely difficult task for the Design Team selecting their four favourites and it was a very close run thing, but after counting the votes I can announce our winner is..................
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How stunning this looks in the tone on tone colours
Congratulations Sandra, please mail me with your full postal addy so I can send our prize.
And very closely behind we have four creations with the same number of votes so this time round it is a Top 4......................
A truly magical creation

A super sunset scene
Great depth of colour

So delicate and feminine

Please pop back on Sunday when we will have a new theme and another fabulous prize.