Thursday 1 April 2010

Stampalot challenge April

Good Morning and very warm welcome to you all from everyone at the Stampalot Challenge.

The day we have all been eagerly awaiting has finally arrived, it's seemed forever coming and we really have all been bursting at the seams for the chance to share all our excitement with you.

Over the coming months we have some fantastic themes lined up for you, along with some fabulous prizes from Sir Stampalot. Our challenges will each run for a month and we hope the information on the sidebar will help you familiarise yourself with how our challenge works.

So enough of my faffing, you all want to know the theme and what you could win. Our first theme is:


It is entirely up to you what you create and how you interpret the theme and we are so looking forward to visiting you all and seeing your wonderful creations.

Sir Stampalot have been so generous with the winners prize.........pinch yourself first because the prize is:

A Cricut Personal Electronic Cutter
PLUS a Pooh Font Cartridge

How awesome is that and if the opportunity to win that doesn't get your creative juices flowing, then I don't know what will. Plus we will also be selecting our Top 3 who will be able to display our special logo.

The oh so talented.......and did I say excited.......Design Team have come up with some awesome projects so please do go and visit them and see how they have been created and show your appreciation for all their hard work.


Daydreaming in a fantasy world
Scenes of the garden by night

Floating on fairy dreams

Grown up faeries really do exist
Mythical mystery lands
Ethereal beauty
Nautical fantasy legends
Ultimate fairy wishes
Cover of Tracy's sketch folder

Please don't forget when you have finished your fantastic creations to add a direct link with Mr Linky to that project. Good Luck everyone!


Loopylou. said...

ooooh what super dt cards, they are all gorgeous and whata super prize, will get my thinking cap on pronto!!!!! xx

Fliss said...

Wow! Stunning works ladies and what a fabulous prize.
Thanks for being so generous Sir Stampalot!

Cherie said...

What truely magical DT cards they are amazing.
I'ts a bit out of my comfort zone but I really want to have a go.
Love cherie

Annie said...

Stunning samples - will have to join in.
Ann xxx

Sheila said...

Wow fab challenge and even fabbier prize.
Great DT card Ladies you girls rock!!.
Sheila xx

Kat said...

Fantastic DT cards. Must try to enter your first challenge.

Kat x

Unknown said...

Love the theme and the prize an't shabby is it?

Love Dawn xx

Mandy said...

Hi Girls,
Thanks Pinky for the nudge to enter here as well..Gorgeous DT projects..and WOW look at the prize how generous are Sir Stampalot...Good luck with the challenge blog girls...
Mandy xx

Crafting Queen said...

Wonderful work by the DT and super prize on offer. Good luck to everyone. Anesha

maddy hill said...

oh oh oh ... what a fabulous challenge and that prize wow wow wow ! i have an ordinary cricut ... but it doesnt like me ! .... i would love to own one that loves me and upgraded too !

Fabulous inspiration from the dt - thanks girls !

right off shopping now ... my brains in overdrive !!!
maddy x

fantasy make here i come !!!

Spyder said...

beautiful Cards from all the DT

Emma (metalicbutterfly) said...

Good luck with the new challenge blog girls !!

Emma xxx

Angie said...

What a great prize i don't own a cricut machine so would love to win (fingers crossed).What a fab challenge i love anything fairy fantasy

Angie x

Kay Carley said...

What fabulous cards you have all created - well done ladies - they are all stunning!!!

What a fantastic prize too!

Kay xxx

Donna said...

Gorgeous DT Cards Ladies, and what a fantastic prize!..will be back soon with an entry!!
Donna x

Lisa said...

Wow!!! What an amazing prize!!! Great DT cards too. Lisa :)

Marion said...

Fabulous DT cards. Absolutely fantastic prize for the first challenge.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic cards, I love the way you have all interpreted the Fantasy theme. x

Wilma said...

Fantastic work by the DT and the prize is a dream!!!:) x

Deb said...

This is the first time that I've entered this challenge. The DT's cards are fantastic and I really enjoyed all of them. The prize for this month is wonderful and I look forward to doing more challenges

Anonymous said...

I just love you guy's...Even way before this challenge!!!!
All the team have done an amazing job, Brenda they are a credit to you!!!

Kazdaz said...

Sorry Kath have now added link, throught the picy was a link. never mind.

Aga Starmachine said...

Great challenge! I've admired team amazing job!
love, starmachine

Sarah_W said...

Just entered my sparkly sweet pea fairy xx

Tammy said...

Gorgeous cards DT! Such a fun challenge and awesome prize!

Alison Dent said...

Hi what a FANTAST IC prize for a fantastical challenge this is my first entry into the Sir Stampalot blog Challenge I hope you like my entry

ribenaruby said...

Hi there, what a beautfil challenge and great dt makes! The only problem is my entry is for a total of seven challenges, so please disregard my entry, so sorry, just read the rules after linking!

Vicki Romaine said...

I love all the fairy cards.

Cath Wilson said...

Great challenge and wonderful prize!

Kimmi said...

I cant see most of the numbers passed 60 something, so I'm hoping my card made it to Mr Linky, if not he can be found here

Thank you girls, your DT cards and projects rock!

Kimmi xx

Unknown said...

I just love fairies and the way your DT-members have made their creations. They're all just gorgeous!
Love to play in your challenge! Thanks!

Clare Lloyd said...

what a prize!

Katherine said...

Great DT Cards.
I am now your follower.

Nicola said...

Fab DT cards and what a great prize. Can't wait for the next challenge now.. Happy crafting Nicola

Anikraft said...

My entry is in. Thanks for the chance of winning this. Loving everyone's creations!!! xx

Rachel said...

What a fab challenge - really made me think as its not a theme I've used before.....such a generous prize too!

Gorgeous DT designs - thanks for the inspiration.

Wedgie xx

Crafters Corner said...

Brilliant challenge, fabulous DT designs, and what a great prize! I have everything crossed!!

Kim Dellow said...

Gorgeous DT work! Thanks for the challenge - such fun! And thanks for a go at the wonderful prize! Kim

Jacee said...

Totally amazing prize for a super challenge, lovely DT cards too, keeping my fingers crossed!

Sarah_W said...

I've just entered again with another project xx

~JulieH~ said...

Absolutely magical projects by the DT! Thanks for the chance of such a fabulous prize!

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Great challenge, DT work and prize. I dont know what happened to my link but Pinky told me I wasn;t on there so am relinking today. Marianne x

Donna said...

A fantastical first challenge with some amazing cards by the DT. I've added my link with Mr. Linky but as he's not showing all the links, I will also link it

Donna xx

Annie said...

Absolutely fabulous DT cards. Wanted to do something truly special but it was getting too near the end of the month so have added a fairy card to Mr Linky.
Ann xxx

Linda said...

Love the challenge, I really enjoyed making this card and how fab is the prize. Love Linda

stamping Sue said...

Wow what a fab challenge blog and what a really fab prize this would be my fantasy to win this!!! Hugs from Sue

Crafting Diva said...

Hi wonderful cards made by your design team, and what a wonderful prize too I have added my card to my blog hope you like it. Thanks for the chance to win a wonderful prize.

Linda said...

Loved the challenge so much I have entered a 2nd time. Hope you like the fairy flower picks love Linda

Unknown said...

Great challenge
Gorgeous DT creations
Christine x

jodpea said...

Great prize, great theme! Good luck everyone

Laney said...

Stunning cards from The DT and what a great prize
for the first challenge ...some ones going to be very lucky

Helen said...

Lovely inspiration and a great prize too!

Helen x

Linapyssel said...

Thank you for hosting this great challenge and unbeliveble prize!! There is sombody out there that are going to do sommersoltz when the winner is announced!! I really hope it´s me!!!!!

Great inspiration from the DT gals as allways you are so talanted!!!
Hugs Lina

maddy hill said...

~Well ive only just made it !
Thanks for the challenge girls ... as soon as i saw it i went and did some shopping at sir s's and wow found some yummy stuff and my mind went on over drive and ive been busy making since my stash arrived !

what a fantastic prize ! and thanks for the chance to enter for it !

ive altered a stampalot bookcase ...with fairy .
love maddyx

Kathleen said...

What a fantastic prize, and a great challenge too.

Linapyssel said...

Hi Brenda!!

Thank you for letting me know the link didn´t work, think I got it rigt now!!! I really appriciate it Brenda
Have a great day Hugs lina

Croms' Cubby Hole said...

Looking at all the wonderful DT cards and entries from others I nearly didn't bother adding mine.

Min hobbyverden said...

On my sidebar it says that You have a challenge in May, but I cant get the challenge up... It doesn`t help to update either...
Ane Lene

Debbie said...

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to win a fab prize. lovely DT cards ladies~ Debbiexx

Unknown said...

Only my 2nd ever challenge, but couldnt resist Fantasy as I do love a bit of magic! x Thanks for the chance to win such a brilliant prize x Take care x Leigh x

Maureen said...

Brilliant prize, have been thinking about buying one so maybe I will be lucky, LOL

Kayla said...

I have discovered your blog recently, i'll try to take a part in challenges regularly.

fusiafscrapping said...

Beautiful cards. Ilove the Cricut Personal Electronic Cutter

hellerlittle said...

Iknow I´m a little to late...
but if anybody will see now the whole work, i put my link in the list.
hope you have fun if you come to look ;o)

And now i´m fingercrossed waiting for the news about the winner --- hope i´ll be *smile

CU hellerlittle