Sunday 5 March 2017

March - Close to Nature

Good morning, it's the first Sunday of the month so that means we have a new challenge theme for you and this month it's...............

********Close to Nature********

Nature covers so many elements in our everyday lives and it is so often taken for granted what Mother Nature provides: flowers, plants, wild animals, breathtaking scenery and landscapes, the ocean, wildlife and so the list goes on. We are sure you will all have your own takes on this lovely theme and what better time of the year than Spring. And if you get really stuck then lets see lots of blossoms and flowers.

Please can I remind you we are a stamping challenge so must see a stamped image, sentiment or quote as the focal element of your artworkYou many enter up to three creations but please note: if we do not comment on your entry it will be because it does not follow the theme, qualify under our rules, or because we are asked to sign in or provide additional data to comment. We do not want to be rude but we do want to be fair to those who do follow the rules.

Here is the fabulous prize on offer this month.................

We are really pleased to welcome Jane as our March Guest Designer, just look at this beautiful fresh Spring inspired creation she has made.............




It's over to you now and we look forward to seeing all your creations.

Before linking your entry are you sure it meets our theme and challenge rules ? 


Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Beautiful theme and lovely inspirations!

Fikreta said...

gorgeous cards from team!

Pam Sparks said...

Thank you ladies!

Craftychris said...

Gorgeous DT Cards! xxx

Karen P said...

Beautiful inspirations from the DT and thank you for the fabulous challenge x

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

super cards dt , mother nature is a wonder to be hold .jane x

Darnell said...

Thank you for a great challenge and beautiful inspiration!! Hugs, Darnell

KandA said...

Gorgeous inspiration from you all and a great theme xx

Kathi said...

Great inspiration by your design team!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Great ideas from the DT, loving the challenge too. Happy crafting, Angela xXx