Friday 28 February 2020

February winners

Hello everyone, it's been another super month and as always you have shared so many beautiful creation with us and we are getting used to having a really tough time voting for our favourites, but the Design Team votes have now been counted and I can announce our winners of the prizes from......

Helen - entry no 106
Ellie - entry no 4

And our Top 3..........

Helen - entry no 2
IMG_0703 (2)
Robyn - entry no 147
Autumn - entry no 79

Congratulations to you all, well deserved recognition, please collect your badge from our sidebear to display on your own blogs and would Helen (entry106) and Ellie both contact me from the link on the sidebar so I can arrange for you to receive your prizes.

I will be back on Sunday with a new challenge and a brand new sponsor!!
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


cuilliesocks said...

Congratulations to all the winners, your cards are stunning, Kate x x

KarinsArtScrap said...

congratulations to the winners gorgeous cards

gr karin

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Congrats to all, such fabulous array of cards!

ionabunny said...

Congrats everyone. Hugz

Robyn Oliver said...

Thank you so very much ladies, I'm rapt to in the Top 3 with my hibiscus card, congrats to everyone and I'm looking forward to March inspiration from the DT..Robyn

Helen said...

Oooh...I'm one of the lucky winners!
Thanks so much, will email you now.
Congratulations to the other winner & top 3 - stunning cards...fab inspiration!
Helen x