Friday 4 February 2022

January winner and Top selections

What a fabulous month January turned out to be, so many lovely entries, our thanks to each of you who joined in.  So I will move straight to the winner of the prize from:
Oakwood Archer established in 2014 and located on the outskirts of Nottingham; we are a small, family run business who specialise in the distribution of craft, haberdashery and embroidery products.

And that lucky person as selected by Randon Org., is......

Entry No 30 is Chris claimed

Well done Chris, please mail me with your full name and postal addy so I can arrange for your prize to be sent.

Now for the top picks and I can tell you it was an extremely close decision this month, two entries gaining the same number of votes and two more jointly just one point behind. The first two who we would love to be our Guest Designers in March are......

Entry No 5 Lynne contacted us
Entry no 85 Vinita No contact made with us

Congratulations to you both, please mail me so I can tell you all about our March challenge.

Next two......
Entry No 63 Lorraine A
Entry No 135 Lorraine B

What are the chances of two Lorraine's, but no mistake so well done to you both, please collect our Top 3 badge from the sidebar for your own blogs.

See you again on Sunday for our February challenge.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


KarinsArtScrap said...

congratulations to the winners and toppers
Gr Karin

Chris said...

Wow! Thank you for the win, it's made my day!
Congrats to the Top picks ladies- your cards are gorgeous. x

Lynne in NI said...

Delighted to be one of your Top Picks, congrats to the others and to Chris too for her win!

New Creations said...

Congrats to the winners1 So delighted and happy to see my project in Top Picks!